Monday, February 19, 2007

Rain and Memories

The first drop fell after what seemed to be an eternity of waiting. As it ran from her shoulder to her elbow a chill crawled up her spine and then fell back down her body. She sat quietly on the roof, her dark thighs flat against her chest, her toned arms wrapped around her legs, and her chin sat perfectly nestled between her knees. The rain increased in size and speed falling silently a first and then turning into a raging thunder storm. Lightning flashed all around her, but she remained still and noiseless. Her hair stuck against her arms and back. She stared into the placid streets, a person occassionaly running from the Tavern into Thallow Flats. The rain began to subside and slowly turned into a drizzle and then it stopped as the sun began to make his ascent into the day. Alana sat on the roof of her home soaking wet waiting for the sun to shake off the rain. She had expected something to change, for the rain to rinse away the pain and the fear. Nothing was different; she was still angry, wistful, and timid. Alana stretched her legs out dragging her heels across the rough cement. Her knees cracked as she stretched her entire body, laying flat, arching her back with her arms pushing the air above her head. Alana lay there, staring at the gray sky with cleaves of blue shoving their way through the clouds. The sun poked his head over the horizon and announced the beginning of day. She rose with the sun, stretching each individual muscle until she was standing, flexing her calves and thighs. Alana sauntered over to the edge of the roof staring at the ground intently. She stared down at Barnaby's house and the lot in front of it wondering what this world was like thirty years ago. She had heard rumors but none of them conjured an image that was detailed enough for her. She heard the door to the roof open. A pair of strong arms wrapped themself around her waist and pulled her backwards, she laced her finger into his and leaned her head back against his chest.

He rested his chin on her shoulder and whispered, "I love you Alana."

The cement cracked, and a rush of fire came from the earth. Alana screamed and jumped back watching the flames throw themself into the air. Small hands and tiny faces accompanied by the screeches of young voices poured out of her memory and into the fire in front of her. The heat enveloped her body striping it of the moistures from the rain. She pulled herself up from the roof and jogged over to the edge where she stared down at the smoldering pyre. The crackling of wood burning filled her ears as tears blocked her eyes. The crashing of old man Barnaby's house resounded between Thallow Flats and the other buildings. Alana watched as the tail end of the house fell to the ground in it's majestic last stand. She stood there watching the lot burn out, as the memories of her past floated away from her.


Shaun B. said...

Jason awoke in a cold sweat. He thought he heard Alana scream. There was a flash from outside, and suddenly Jason realized it was raining. Sasha was still curled in a ball on top of his chest, silently sleeping. Jason gently lifted her up and placed her on his pillow, careful not to awaken her. He finally knew what his next move would be. He had gained something from confronting his other side. What he had gained was the ability to let go. The ability to release everything and devote himself completely to his goal. He rolled out of bed and headed to the roof of Thallow Flats to lie in the rain.

When he reached the roof he saw Alana standing there in the rain, alone and staring into the distance. She was glistening wet from the rain, which by now, was only a slight drizzle. Her dark, beautiful hair cascading down her sumptuous shoulders and delicate back. Jason walked over behind her and put his arms around her waist pulling her close to him. He rested his chin on her shoulder, his lips brushing against her ear. She smelled like a rose sprinkled with the morning’s dew.

“I love you Alana.” Jason whispered in her ear.

Before she could respond, there was a rumble from the earth. Suddenly the ground of the vacant lot erupted in a massive explosion. Alana screamed as they were pushed back by the force and heat of the explosion as Jason tried to do his best to shelter her from the blast. Where the lot had once been, only a giant crater remained. The land had been scarred by a mysterious explosion from beneath the ground. This no longer held any meaning for him. Alana had begun to cry, so Jason pulled her close and held her until she had let it all out. As the sun rose above the horizon, Jason realized that the only thing left to him was Sasha and his love for Alana, and he would do anything to protect them

Shaun B. said...

Ok I've read what you said, and I've made a couple changes so they don't conflict too much anymore. Let me know what you think.